Ferramentamania riparte con tante novità tutte da scoprire!
Handle for cutting axes.
Electrified handle - main item of the E-multi-star line
Telescopic aluminum pole for loppers Loafers 6 m with threaded tip Sectors: …
Telescopic Aluminum Rod for Lopping Shears 6 mt Sectors: 3
Oval woodpecker wooden handle for hoe Length: 140 cm Measurements: 50x40 mm
Pruning in safer height thanks to the telescopic rods read, with simple …
Beech curved handle for snow shovels, shovels and forks.
Material: Wood Length: 160 cm ø Maximum eye section: 40 mm
Length: 144 cm.
Handle for ax gap.
Split handle for splitting.
Available in 2 sizes.
Length: 140x3.
Round eye hoe handle Length: 140x4 cm Material: Beech
Handles for hoes and Zappini, with round eye.
fiber nylon handle for shovel.
Beechwood handle for picks Size: 38x58x1050 mm
Length: 25 cm.
Length: 140 cm Maximum eye section: 40 x 50 mm.
Beech handle for picks Size: 4.
Length: 150 cm Material: Wood
Length: 180 cm Material: Wood
Length: 130 cm Diameter: 30 mm Material: Beech
straight universal handle for spade and shovel, in beech wood.
telescopic handle ZM-V4 of high quality anodized aluminum, lightweight and stable.
curved wooden handle shovel, "Feather" line.
Wooden handle for shovel 140 cm ø Maximum eye section: 40 mm
Woodpecker wooden handle for shovel and fork.